Sabtu, 14 Mei 2016
SERIKAT ALUMNUS SMA NEGERI 1 CILMAYA: alhamdulillaahirobbil 'aaalamiin.
SERIKAT ALUMNUS SMA NEGERI 1 CILMAYA: alhamdulillaahirobbil 'aaalamiin.: CAKRA WIYATAMANDALA CAKRA Wiyatamandala. Salam sejahtera sentosa_ Salam Lestari_ Salam MERDEKA_, Semoga semesta dala...
alhamdulillaahirobbil 'aaalamiin.
CAKRA Wiyatamandala.
Salam sejahtera sentosa_
Salam Lestari_
Semoga semesta dalam keadaan berkat tuhan yang Maha Esa_
Dengan atas nama tuhan ALLAH Ta’ala, tuhanNya seluruh
Semua mahluk dalam keadaan bahagia_ bahagia,
Salam bahagia_
2012 merupakan batas waktu dimana penciptaan alam jagad
raya telah sempurnna dan pemurnian (jagadraya_ tatasurya*_) telah berakhir
dengan ditandai pada berlangsungnya terjadinya gerhana matahari total pada hari
rabu tanggal 9 maret 2016 / waktu pagi jam 07.30_ Indonesia.
Sebagai mana sejarah tentang hidupnya Manusia dibumi pada
saat Manusia cara hidupnya mengalami kerusakan moral maka yang terjadi adalah
bumi murka_ tercatat oleh sejarah bahwa bumi ini mengalami bencana adzab banjir
sebanyak empat kali._ dan di sanalah Manusia yang baru membentuk suatu
peradaban baru, dengan cara hidup yang lebih baik dan bermoral.
Banjir yang terakhir adalah terjadi pada zaman masa
hidupnya Nabi. Nuh, AS.
Dan manusia yang tersisa adalah manusia yang memiliki
tatacara hidup sesuai dengan yang di khendaki oleh alam raya ( Sunnatullah*_
Ajaran Tauhid.).
Manusia yang hidup saat ini merupakan Manusia generasi
ke-5, dan cara yang berkaitan dengan pelanggaran ajaran tauhid (setelah_risalah*)
secara syari’at telah ada yaitu yang dibawa oleh nabi yang menjadi utusanNya
tuhan seru sekalian Alam yaitu pada hidupnya nabiyullah. Ibrahim, As. (Ka’abah_)
Adalah dengan cara diadzab dan itu terjadi pada masa hidupnya Nabi. Musa, As
yang sezaman dengan hidupnya Nabiyullah. Harun, As.
Umatnya Nabi. Musa adalah umat yang kembali kepada
kekufuran setelah mereka beliau ditinggalkan oleh Nabi. Musa, As dengan sebab
Musa meninggalkannya dan beliau tinggal bersama istri ditempat hiduptanah
Umatnya Nabi. Musa, As_ tinggal bersama dengan Nabi.
Harun, As yang masih menjadi saudaranya Nabi. Musa, As, dimana aturan tentang
hidup telah diterapkan bagaimana cara dan waktunya manusia beribadah kepada
Tuhan yang Maha Esa.
Namun suatu waktu (* umatnya Nabi. Musa, AS_ kembali pada
ajaran sebelumnya menjadi manusia yang kufur dan berbuat melampaui batas serta
menjadi umat yang bembangkang dan ngeyel.
Disinilah awal sunnatullah ( TuhanNya jagad raya_ Tuhan
yang Maha Esa*.) memberi pelajaran keras dengan cara di adzab dengan Kekuatan
Alam berupa Petir_angin dan sejenisnya (* sehingga diantara manusia yang kufur
banyak yang mati diadzab !. dan peringatan itu tidak menjadi pelajaran bagi
umatnya Nabi. Musa, As sehingga terjadilah MurkaNya Tuhannya Nabi. Musa, As
(*ALLAH,_) yang berikutnya yaitu dengan cara dikutuk menjadi (bentuk_) Kera
yang hina.
(dikutuk menjadi Kera lantaran mengingkari ibadah_
meninggalkan ibadah*)
Bumi serambi Mekah_ NAD Islam.
(terjadi*_ diadzab peringatan pertama_ banjir Tsunami
Bumi Aceh / Presiden SBY-JK.),
/2016_ pasca gerhana Matahari total / 9 maret 2016 _ masa
sewindu tahun alif*_red.
Waktu keadaan Negara Berdaulat Pancasila_ INDONESIA.
Dasar Hukum idiologi Negara yaitu Pancasila_
Dasar Hukum Agama islam yaitu Al-Quran Karim mushaf
Ustmani / Arab._
Dasar Hukum adat_ tradisi / hukum adat ( buhun_)._
Keadaan Mental dan Karakter rakyat Indonesia_ Orang islam
/ 27 rajab 1437 hijriyah.
Pribadi orang islam secara moral dan karakter sudah
rusak_ mayoritas.
Lantaran sebab:_
Tidak mengamalkan ajaran
idiologi PANCASILA,
Tidak mengamalkan Ajaran
melaksanakan yang menjadi perintah wajib_ ibadah,
melaksanakan yang menjadi larangan_ maksiat dan dosa,
-melanggar hukum
Indonesia Darurat tindakan Asusila_ fakta /2016 masehi.
Negara Indonesia penduduk mayoritas beragama islam_
Yang sering melakukan tindakan pelanggaran hukum adalah Rakyat yang
beragama Islam_
1.Maling duit Negara_
2.tindakan perdata Penipuan_
3.Pembunuhan Keji_
4.Tindakan Asusila Pencabulan_
5.Perselingkuhan / jinah_
6.gadisnya banyak yang sudah tidak perawan lagi_
8.Penjudi dan Sabung Ayam_
9.Suka kesenangan / sawer di panggung hiburan_
10.laki-lakinya berubah menjadi seorang waria / banci _ (*Tindakan Melawan
11.perempuanya bekerja sebagai (*Pelacur_dan seterusnya._
Kesimpulan Akhir:_
Tidak baiknya Perjalanan Mencapai Waktukeadaan
Sejahterasentausa sebagai akhir tujuan Bernegara sebagai cita-cita Akhir mencapai
Hidup adilmakmur berkeadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat indonesia (UUD 1945
alenia 4_ Pancasila /5. Keadilan Sisial Bagi Seluruh Rakyat Indonesia.) di
akibatkan oleh Rakyat Indonesia yang beragama islam yang karaktermentalnya
sudah rusak sedang berlangsung menduduki posisi jabatan dinas negara / menjadi
pimpinan Publik_:
Posisi ketua MPR_
Posisi Ketua DPR_
Kepaladesa / lurah
Secara garis besar bahwa penyumbang terbesar buruknya perjalanan Negara Mencapai tarap
hidup Adilmakmursejahterasentosa, bukan sebatas rakyat biasa yang beragama
islam yang katagorinya sudah menjadi MURTAD juga karena Pimpinan jabatan
Publiknya yang beragama islam telah menjadi orang yang Dholim.
Terbukti sampai hari ini keadaan Mental anak didik sekolah negeri setingkat
SLTP dan SLTA sederajat yang akhlaknya sudah rusak _
Generasi ini / lulusan 2015-2016 sudah tidak bisa diharapkan lagi di
kemudian menjadi generasi yang akan mengendalikan perjalanan Negara yang ada
malah tambah kacau balau_
Sebab musabab:_
Sudah banyak melanggar aturan
Tidak taat dalam beragama_
Pergaulannya sudah bebas /
Keadaan mental pribadi generasi muda bangsa indonesia
sudah bukan lagi menjadi pribadi yang utuh sebagai rakyat indonesia yang
berkarakter ketimuran_(*santun dan Bermartabat.
(*Rakyat indonesia telah menjadi Pribadi bangsa luar /
bangsa Barat.
Perjalanan Negara harus di hentikan.
/2012 Masehi tepatnya berakhir di Desember tanggal 21
tahun Masehi 2012 berakhirnya penanggalan dari kalender Suku Maya adalah yang di
sebut Kiamat 2012 _ adalah bahwa Penciptaan jagadraya telah mencapai tingkat
sempurnya yaitu derajat alam tujuh INSAN KAMIL dan secara Sunnatullah jagadraya
(_Bumi dan tatasurya*) sedang mengalami proses Pemurnian, dan telah berproses
berakhir pada kejadian alam yaitu dengan waktu Keadaan dimana titik pusat matahari
segaris lurus dengan inti bumi yang di tutupi oleh bulan_ Gerhana Matahari
Relevansinya dengan hidupnya Manusia adalah:_
Manusia yang jahat dengan yang baik melalui tahapan
pemurnian (energi_Bumi.) jagadraya ini akan terpisah dan dipisahkan oleh
seleksi alam (_Sunnatullah.Qudratirodat.) yang jahat tidak dapat lagi bisa
hidup diatasmuka bumi sebab tidak kongruen energinya_ inilah yang dimaksud Masa
PEMUSNAHAN secara Sunnatullah sebab yang hidup pada tingkatan ini hanya manusia
sejati / insan kamil saja yang secara alami yang mampu bisa bertahan hidup
dimuka bumi ini_ Demi ALLAH.
Manusia ini adalah semua rakyat (Rakyat semesta_) yang
taat terhadap aturan yang senyatanya telah menjadi Hambarakyat, Hamba Tuhan dan
Mahluk Sosial atau yang sudah dapat
dikatakan Manusia dewasa / Manusia Sejati / manusia Super atau yang di Maksud
dengan Istilah KHALIFAH.
(* diakhirnya Bumi Pertiwi ini hanya akan diwariskan pada
pribadi dan golongan orang-orang yang baik / khalifah sementara orang yang
pembangkang dan jahat Tuhanku ALLAH Ta’ala lebih maha tau dimana mereka akan di
tempatkan sebagai tempatnya hidupnya yang terakhir untuk selamanya_tempat hidup
yang abadi. _Wallaahu bishowab(*_
Semoga ini menjadi kabar gembira bagi orang yang
mengimanitentang hari akhir / Mukmin, dan telah menjalankan hidup penuh dengan sabar,
tawadhu, istiqomah, dan tawakal / MUSLIM. Bahwa Bumi ini telah ridho ditempati
sebagai tempat hidup yang paling baik / Baldan amiinan (madinah_
Indonesiaraya.) dan bumi ini akan menjadi tanah yang suci (Makkah
Matahari 5, Milenium 4_ INDONESIARAYA
Karawang Pangkal Perjuangan_
Hambarakyat Indonesia,
Subang-Karawang, 14 April 2016 Masehi,
(Indonesiaraya 31 Maret 2019 Masehi_ Nasional.)
Ahmadalfaqir. Tatang Afandi Saja, HKbgs.
Khalifatulmahdi /jyby8 stry.P. rejeb 1948 J.
Sabtu, 13 Juni 2015
( Disampaikan Khusus Pada Tuhannya Jagad Raya_ Qs.
Alikhlas/ Allah.)
Aku yang hari ini sedang murka terhadap Cara hidupnya
Manusia di Bumi.
Siapakah yang harus disalahkan tentang Hidupnya Manusia di
Akhir Zaman, Bilakah memang diakhirnya umat yang paling buruk dari cara
Berakhlaknya Manusia setelah Kitab SuciNya (Al_Qur’an Utsmani_ Wahyu Nabi.
Muhammad SAW_ Orang Arab.) Tuhan Sebagai Pencipta Manusia atau Manusia itu
Sendiri yang Mendurhakai Pendahulunya (Nabi dan Rosul_ Leluhur.) ?_
Tetapi Bila Memang Tuhan yang Maha Berkhehendak dan Menjadi
Hakim yang Paling Adil Atas Hidup Mahluknya Bernama Manusia, Kenapa Orang yang
Jahat Sampai Hari ini tidak dimusnahkan? Kenapa ?, bukankah Manusia yang
seperti ini hanya jadi Perusak Bumi dan Kehidupannya Mahluk yang Lain, termasuk
tentang harmonisnya alam langit dan bumi ( Bencana alam_)
Hari ini Sabtu Pon_ 25 Ruwah 1948 SJ saya atas Nama Pribadi
dan Mewakili Rakyat yang Santun baik Beradab, menggugat atas Kehadiratmu
Tuhannya Manusia, Kenapa Engkau Membiarkan Kebathilan ini terus dibiarkan di
Muka Bumi ini, dan Kebathilan itu tidak lebih adalah nyatanya perbuatan Manusia
yang Keji kejam Biadab, Kenapa Pribadi ini tetap di beri hidup, sementara yang
jahat murka ini di beri hidup yang layak hidup serba ada kecukupan ekonomi dan
Fasilitas hidup yang lain ( Tahta, Harta dan Wanita_) sementara hidupnya Rakyat
yang Jelata baik santun hidupnya sampai hari ini miskin papa, (Kenapa Tuhan Engkau Selalu Memberi Derita
Hidup Atas Mereka yang Sholeh ?!,_)
Bila Aku Katakan PadaMu tuhan dengan Penuh Rasa Marah (
Murka_) Aku Hambamu yang Faqir Berkata dengan Penuh Sadar: “ Aku Saksikan Pada
Rasa Nafasku, Betapa Sesaknya Rasa Pemberian Nikmatmu ini atas Ku, dan Engkau
Tuhan ( Allah SWT_ Saya Muslim / Tatang Afandi.) Benar-benar tidak berdaya dan
tidak punya daya atas kuasa khendak dan kehendakmu yang Mutlak, Aku yang kini,
kemarin dan selamaya menghambakan Engkau, Benar-benar Kecewa dan Marah Kepadamu,
Ternyata Engkau Selama ini Tuli dan Buta tidak dapat memurkai pada hambamu yang
Dholim, tetap membiarkan hidupnya Manusia Biadab di atas muka bumi ini,_ Mereka
benar-benar telah membelakangi merusak dan menghina nilai-nilai Ajaran Kitab
Sucimu dan dibiarkan sampai hari ini Hidupnya. Aku Menjadi Sebuah Persaksian
Hidup Manusia Diakhir Zaman Betapa Buruk dan Biadabnya Manusia, tinggal Satu
Lagi Aku Cuma Menginginkan Menjadi Persaksian Atas Turunnya Adzab Atas Hidupnya
Manusia Sebagai Mana, Engakau Telah menurunkan Azdab atas Umat pada Nabi-nabi
mu Terdahulu, Aku akan selalu mengatakan Bahwa Engkau Tuhannya Jagadraya terbukti
benar-benar tiada daya Berdaya sampai pada akhirnya Matakasarku melihat Bahwa
Engakau Pada Akhirnya Akan Melenyapkan Yang Menjadi Perkara Kebathilan (
Manusia Biadab pemaksiat pendosa di Adzab di Musnahkan dari Bumi_ Pemutihan
Manusia / 14 Ruwah 1948 SJ_ Tutupbuku Catatan Perbuatan Manusia / Surajawa tahu
He / aliplamlamha_), Gugat ini benar-benar lahir Bhatinku Hambamu Murka, dan
Buktikan Bahwa Engkau ( dirimu_) benar-benar Berdaya dan Kuasa atas Manusia,
Pintaku Lenyapkan dari Muka Bumi ini Manusia Biadab pemaksiat pendosa laknat, tetapi
Aku ingin menjadi persaksian sebelum engkau lenyapkan mereka, manusia biadab
ini disiksa badan sekujur tubuhnya di Dunia, demikian Tuhan Semoga di hari ini Engkau
dapat Membaca (Maha Melihat_) tulisan ini dan Engkau tidak dalam ketulian (
Maha Mendengar_).”.
Ki Bagus. Tatang Afandi Soekarno Sajah, Ahmadalfaqir. IR.
( Aku Yang Faqir:/ Ki Bagus. Tatang Afandi Sajah / Qs.Al-an’am:
124/Qs.Alisra: 81_ Gugat Kedewatan.)
Internet_google: Spirit Of Tatang / Spirit Of Tatang 2 /
Facebook: Tatang Afandi / Adam Mahdi.
Sabtu, 14 Februari 2015
"Valentine's Day in the Country Pertiwi_ INDONESIA Raya._
"Valentine's Day in the Country Pertiwi_ INDONESIA Raya._
Special Edition Valentine's Day February 14, 2015 Masehi_
Greetings FREEDOM!
Regards Galuh Revolution,
Greetings Lestari, _
"Valentine's Day in the Country Pertiwi_ INDONESIA Raya._
Hopefully creature in His love that the Great Universe, Happy peace with others celebrate Love Tank, as Eid for us who always Merindu Life of peace with His love that General to remain divided for other creatures on Earth, the Universe Together Damailah keharibaan Presence of the One God who his love is not ever disconnected for dear inhabitants.,
As a Sense of Happiness can get this Noble Today, Saturday 14 February 2015 AD, where for the lover is a special day to thank each Greetings Congratulations ("Happy Valentine's Day, Love Tank Hopefully we Neighbor To properly maintained until this Inner damailah accompanying life that is holy, let His love Together We Sharing Sapa! _)
My brother who was on two different parts of the world on Saturday, on Sunday Mid-Month Weekend in 14nya years Masehi_ February 14 Valentine's day, I'm in this keharibaan to always expect a Ridhonya Grace and Hope You all in happy intact, along Celebrating Compassion, hopefully this love remained devoted to each other until later in life true peace will always be beautiful earth, amen!.
Brother, if indeed there are people who associate Giving Happy Valentine day in tepis Interfaith reasons, let ..... they never knew about Itself, that was good was coming from Courtesy and Ridho God Almighty, Just People dirty heart who always berburuk sangaka, and people who like this occasionally will never get love from the Lord, his life will always be accompanied by a sense of Restlessness and Anxious, and has the nature of the heart to another creature, because god's love will not be grounded in the heart of the dirty, people who like this are an example of people who fail in heading into the perfect man, as the ideals Creation of Man on Earth until the Lives and Livelihoods the Prosperous and Sentausa (_ Life of Peace Sentausa_ Asri.) Being A Caliph as the inhabitants of the earth at the end Age (Baktun_13: Dignity Insan natural Kamil_ 7 of the Creation of the Universe.).,
As already waktukeadaannya occurred on Human Life in the past, if Humans Already Evil beyond the limits that have occurred, is the Man killed by God Through Sunnatullahi, where in his life as a man currently in third millennium, man on earth 2 / 3nya already savage, and history it is certainly going to be repeated, god will surely come to finish mensegerakan Adzabnya Life and human trick the Animal Behavior, and it is definitely a good man, with a great his love will be kept of doom and Disaster Dead and punishment, and will always glorified life as His representative to take care of the Earth, Because god Maha Believe that Man who was able to become a Caliph can certainly take care of Life on Earth with Full Sincere and Ikhlas for his life becomes Asri fellow Eternal Creation. (As it turns out God and man is not ever far Terpisah_ united. / "Form that manifest along the Great Creation noble named HUMAN.)
Religious differences in human life is a unique way of God, so that in Him Know of various Dimensisisi, people who continue fighting about religion problem is that they never walk away looking for his Bible, they just copy and paste from the paper's argument and thought, people who like this is no more just like people who could never have the money to cook because he always ate at Lestoran, wonder fighting continues because never know how Recipes and cooking, people who like this has disobeyed Majesty's predecessor, no one anywhere on Earth Religion These do not come from God, essentially everything is sourced from the Presence of God and to the presence and bring it up to the presence of God in his life so that man can live menjalai filled with noble attitude behavior, and Religious People will never come to the god because Lahirbathinnya dirty, and this time the circumstances that led to Humans can not do love a Heart moreover, that there is only a cause of the problem, so that the religious life was bathinya never got tentramdamai, undergo a process, try the recipes, to cook until finally she Finding Typical food type, an example is the Religious up on a Doctrine, if so for God's sake no one from a recognized religion in this country (Indonesia_) who teaches heresy, all of which teach about how man behaves like that man Congratulations life now and in the future without bataswaktu, his teachings Because each carrier is a person who has received a license from the god on Travel Behaviour bathinnya (until the Find and given the Scripture.), and all religion teaches and mengkhendaki all adherents in order to apply mutual love and Heart for the others, in order to create life harmonious, be honest and wise,
If so, blame if that Christians give Congratulations on Si Muslim!, Happy Valentine's Day? Yes no!, Because in Islamic teachings in the book that contained SiciNya Human Mutual Mengsihsayangi at each other, (Qs. Alfatihah: 1, Bismillaaahirrohmaanirrohiiim_), the bottom line for Muslims in terms of Giving survived Valentintie day later associated with religion continues brushed with the phrase "I'm sorry yah My people Islam, I do not celebrate, celebrate Valentine day as Christians sajah_ red. Is one example of a Muslim who is not on at the level of the Doctrine, and People who like this sort of religion and bathinya chaotic heart Balau, and this is still a great sebaian science People Shari'ah of Islam only to the extent only and that is the reason penyebap Muslims still mengaanggap his religion, Islam Most true, Muslims are like this that will never admit Adherent other religions into your child from his biological brother is nephew, but will continually be treated maru, which has now become the husband of his wife who had in divorce, hahaha,
If so any order to create a harmony of life on earth, then the decision is as good as the acceleration period in which the presence of ex-husband and maru should be separated in places that sampaikapanpun jauhsekali never met in both the eternal life, and the man who left an evil woman full of patience and trust god segerakan substitute with a good figure and charming lady "Angel / his beautiful lady who graciously charming handsome face and his Majesty.
Sekalilagi for those who love peace and compassion, our sincere Full As Mengucap_ "Congratulations Valentineday, hopefully Along the Great His love among the interconnected nature menyayagi We stay awake, then damailah life, FREEDOM!,
Thank You:
Being enhancer is not a choice, but god memilhnya as Options, then humans are not Helpless, then do it because God be with you, for the sake of God is definitely going Congratulations,
Long live the life and keep my State and State (_Kami.) Indonesia, thou State We are charming heart and sebaikbaik State in the Earth,
Ku Hidup Indonesia, Long live always together Burunggaruda Pancasila fly high into the earth spikes, as the basis of human life beridiologi achieve Sentausa Asri Nuance life of all time. FREEDOM!
Regards Galuh Lestari,
Studio Theatre Eight dimensions' Titikkima Trijayasakti Fictures_ Sacral "
Special Edition Valentine's Day February 14, 2015 Masehi_
Greetings FREEDOM!
Regards Galuh Revolution,
Greetings Lestari, _
"Valentine's Day in the Country Pertiwi_ INDONESIA Raya._
Hopefully creature in His love that the Great Universe, Happy peace with others celebrate Love Tank, as Eid for us who always Merindu Life of peace with His love that General to remain divided for other creatures on Earth, the Universe Together Damailah keharibaan Presence of the One God who his love is not ever disconnected for dear inhabitants.,
As a Sense of Happiness can get this Noble Today, Saturday 14 February 2015 AD, where for the lover is a special day to thank each Greetings Congratulations ("Happy Valentine's Day, Love Tank Hopefully we Neighbor To properly maintained until this Inner damailah accompanying life that is holy, let His love Together We Sharing Sapa! _)
My brother who was on two different parts of the world on Saturday, on Sunday Mid-Month Weekend in 14nya years Masehi_ February 14 Valentine's day, I'm in this keharibaan to always expect a Ridhonya Grace and Hope You all in happy intact, along Celebrating Compassion, hopefully this love remained devoted to each other until later in life true peace will always be beautiful earth, amen!.
Brother, if indeed there are people who associate Giving Happy Valentine day in tepis Interfaith reasons, let ..... they never knew about Itself, that was good was coming from Courtesy and Ridho God Almighty, Just People dirty heart who always berburuk sangaka, and people who like this occasionally will never get love from the Lord, his life will always be accompanied by a sense of Restlessness and Anxious, and has the nature of the heart to another creature, because god's love will not be grounded in the heart of the dirty, people who like this are an example of people who fail in heading into the perfect man, as the ideals Creation of Man on Earth until the Lives and Livelihoods the Prosperous and Sentausa (_ Life of Peace Sentausa_ Asri.) Being A Caliph as the inhabitants of the earth at the end Age (Baktun_13: Dignity Insan natural Kamil_ 7 of the Creation of the Universe.).,
As already waktukeadaannya occurred on Human Life in the past, if Humans Already Evil beyond the limits that have occurred, is the Man killed by God Through Sunnatullahi, where in his life as a man currently in third millennium, man on earth 2 / 3nya already savage, and history it is certainly going to be repeated, god will surely come to finish mensegerakan Adzabnya Life and human trick the Animal Behavior, and it is definitely a good man, with a great his love will be kept of doom and Disaster Dead and punishment, and will always glorified life as His representative to take care of the Earth, Because god Maha Believe that Man who was able to become a Caliph can certainly take care of Life on Earth with Full Sincere and Ikhlas for his life becomes Asri fellow Eternal Creation. (As it turns out God and man is not ever far Terpisah_ united. / "Form that manifest along the Great Creation noble named HUMAN.)
Religious differences in human life is a unique way of God, so that in Him Know of various Dimensisisi, people who continue fighting about religion problem is that they never walk away looking for his Bible, they just copy and paste from the paper's argument and thought, people who like this is no more just like people who could never have the money to cook because he always ate at Lestoran, wonder fighting continues because never know how Recipes and cooking, people who like this has disobeyed Majesty's predecessor, no one anywhere on Earth Religion These do not come from God, essentially everything is sourced from the Presence of God and to the presence and bring it up to the presence of God in his life so that man can live menjalai filled with noble attitude behavior, and Religious People will never come to the god because Lahirbathinnya dirty, and this time the circumstances that led to Humans can not do love a Heart moreover, that there is only a cause of the problem, so that the religious life was bathinya never got tentramdamai, undergo a process, try the recipes, to cook until finally she Finding Typical food type, an example is the Religious up on a Doctrine, if so for God's sake no one from a recognized religion in this country (Indonesia_) who teaches heresy, all of which teach about how man behaves like that man Congratulations life now and in the future without bataswaktu, his teachings Because each carrier is a person who has received a license from the god on Travel Behaviour bathinnya (until the Find and given the Scripture.), and all religion teaches and mengkhendaki all adherents in order to apply mutual love and Heart for the others, in order to create life harmonious, be honest and wise,
If so, blame if that Christians give Congratulations on Si Muslim!, Happy Valentine's Day? Yes no!, Because in Islamic teachings in the book that contained SiciNya Human Mutual Mengsihsayangi at each other, (Qs. Alfatihah: 1, Bismillaaahirrohmaanirrohiiim_), the bottom line for Muslims in terms of Giving survived Valentintie day later associated with religion continues brushed with the phrase "I'm sorry yah My people Islam, I do not celebrate, celebrate Valentine day as Christians sajah_ red. Is one example of a Muslim who is not on at the level of the Doctrine, and People who like this sort of religion and bathinya chaotic heart Balau, and this is still a great sebaian science People Shari'ah of Islam only to the extent only and that is the reason penyebap Muslims still mengaanggap his religion, Islam Most true, Muslims are like this that will never admit Adherent other religions into your child from his biological brother is nephew, but will continually be treated maru, which has now become the husband of his wife who had in divorce, hahaha,
If so any order to create a harmony of life on earth, then the decision is as good as the acceleration period in which the presence of ex-husband and maru should be separated in places that sampaikapanpun jauhsekali never met in both the eternal life, and the man who left an evil woman full of patience and trust god segerakan substitute with a good figure and charming lady "Angel / his beautiful lady who graciously charming handsome face and his Majesty.
Sekalilagi for those who love peace and compassion, our sincere Full As Mengucap_ "Congratulations Valentineday, hopefully Along the Great His love among the interconnected nature menyayagi We stay awake, then damailah life, FREEDOM!,
Thank You:
Being enhancer is not a choice, but god memilhnya as Options, then humans are not Helpless, then do it because God be with you, for the sake of God is definitely going Congratulations,
Long live the life and keep my State and State (_Kami.) Indonesia, thou State We are charming heart and sebaikbaik State in the Earth,
Ku Hidup Indonesia, Long live always together Burunggaruda Pancasila fly high into the earth spikes, as the basis of human life beridiologi achieve Sentausa Asri Nuance life of all time. FREEDOM!
Regards Galuh Lestari,
Studio Theatre Eight dimensions' Titikkima Trijayasakti Fictures_ Sacral "
Ahmadalfaqir. Tatang Afandi
founder Studio
Secretariat Studio:
Parking Motor Arafat Sukatani 08 999 SMA 1 Cilamaya_
Jl Raya Duke. Singaperbangsa - Cilamayawetan Nekub 589
(Internet_ google: Spirit Of Tatang & Spirit Of Tatang 2 / Fb: Tatang Afandi.)
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